Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Back Writing

For ages 5-12 years
Writing invisible letters on a child’s back a fun way to write a secret message.

Back Writing

Paper & Pencil

One person sits with his back to another and a pad of paper and pencil in front of him.

The other person, using his finger, "draws" a letter on the person’s back. At the same time, that person draws on the paper what he thinks is being drawn on his back.

Keep writing letter by letter until a whole message is given. The message could be a clue to where a treat is hidden! Take turns so both the writer and the person written on get to experience what it feels like. Have an older child play this game with a younger sibling as a fun way to help him learn his letters.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Shadow Games

For ages 2-15
Shadows make instant fun. The next time you are outside with your darling child when the sun is low in the horizon, have good fun romping with these games.

Shadow Games

None but a time of the day when your bodies cast a shadow on the ground

Don’t step on my shadow:
Telling your child not to do something that she knows it’s really okay to do makes this game silly fun. You say, "Don’t step on my shadow" and keep scurrying away as she tries to put a foot on your shadow. Take turns with this one seeing if you can step on her shadow while she moves away and tries to prevent your stepping on her shadow.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Being a Radio

For ages 3-7
Here is a game to capture your child's attention if you are stuck waiting in a car and want some thing silly and fun to do.

Being a Radio

Car radio and a fun mood

When the motor is off so that the radio doesn’t work, pretend to be different stations. When she presses a button, you sing a different song, give the weather, say the news, etc.

When your child turns the knob up, your voice gets louder. When she turns it down, it gets softer.

Take turns being the radio and being the knob turner. You can play this at home with a radio that is not plugged in and turn it into a guessing game. Take turns pretending to turn on the radio and humming a tune and see if the others can guess the song.