Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Knocking Game


Listening to and identifying the different sounds objects make when you knock on them is a game that can be played at any time. When you want to change the focus of fussing children, try saying: "Hey, let’s play a game. Close your eyes and see if you can tell what I’m knocking on. No cheating!"

Common objects found around the house

Ask your player to close her eyes and turn her back to you. Then see if she can guess the object you are knocking on with your fist (or a spoon). Start with easy things such as a table and a window, and work towards sounds that are harder to identify, such as knocking on a book or lamp.

Take turns being the identifier and the "knocker".

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nature Bracelets

For Ages 1-5
You can start your little one’s exploration and appreciation of nature with this game of making a masking tape naturre bracelet. They’ll notice all the lovely color and shape variations there are in petal and leaf and adorn their wirsts with beauty.


Masking tape
Leaves and flower petals

Wrap a piece of masking tape around your child's wrist, sticky side up, and then go exploring to find wonderful leaves, beautiful flower petals and other interesting things to attach to the bracelet.

Before bedtime, snip the bracelet off and attach it next to his bed or somewhere in view so he can admire his work and remember his fun time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I love you because...

FOR AGES: 1-7 years
This is the kind of game that would make a lovely bedtime ritual or a sweet moment during a car ride or a bath. It’s hard to get tired of hearing in just what ways one is wonderful.


Say these words or something similar to the child of your heart:
"Do you know why I love you? I love you because_______" Fill in the blank with anything about the child that you especially appreciate. In this game you can be general such as "You’re a kind person" or specific such as "You shared your chocolate ice cream with your little brother today" or "You hugged your classmate when you saw that she was upset".

It’s nice to end the ritual by saying:
"I love you because you are _______(fill in with child’s name)."
The ending lets them also know that just being them is enough to merit love.

Tube Game

For Ages: Babies

Here’s a funway to teach babies that things out of sight still exist. This knowledge helps her not worry when you’re not in view.

Tube Game

Mailing tube or the tube from a paper towel roll.

Place a small object like a toy car in one end and tilt it so it reappears on the other end. Let baby experiment with putting the car and other objects in the tube, tilting it and making it reappear.

Tape two tubes together for added suspense. When will it reappear?

Postcard Diaries

For Ages: 7-15 years
Next time you take a trip with your older child, buy her postcards that she can use to make a memorable diary.

Postcard Diaries


Let your child select a few postcards each day or at each destination. As she writes entries on the back of each postcard, she is making a diary for that period of her life.

She can make a hole in one corner of each postcard and string them together with a ribbon or make her own puzzles (and keep her words very private) by cutting up a postcard into smaller pieces that she can put together later.