Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Stick out your tongue

Marianas Variety Saipan
Run Date: July 6, 2007


You don’t have to wait until your baby is older to play games. Here’s one you can play with even 3 month olds


Sticking your tongue out may make others wonder about you, but your baby will be fascinated. Think about it. The tongue looks like some lively little snake coming out of your mouth.

Having control over the tongue's movement ensures that the infant will develop the ability to form different sounds and eventually words. Try it.

You and your tongue

Get your child’s attention by softly calling to him and smiling. Once he notices you, stick out your tongue and waggle it a little and even add some soft sounds to keep his attention engaged. If you want, you can even gently touch his tongue to give him some sensory feedback on what part you are talking about.

Watch as he opens his mouth and begin to move his tongue. Once he gets it, add variations. Start showing him how to move his tongue in different directions. Start with side to side. Once he’s got that movement, go to up and down movements.

Play the game as long as he is interested. When he looks away or squirms, it means he’s done for now. Play again another day.

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